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By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | June 17th, 2023

Do I need a therapist?

Everyone needs help at some point in life.  

You will derive benefits from professional therapy when the stresses of life are greater than the coping skills you have developed.  Deciding to get professional help is an important decision.  How to select a therapist is sometimes the reason that people delay going for help.

Recently, the Your Health program on National Public Radio (NPR) gave some ideas. (Click on the hyperlink to listen to the program).  Many clients think about how they will afford good professional help.  Consider looking at the resources available through your health insurance if cost is a reason you avoid trying to seek help.  Many employers also have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that offers a few sessions for evaluation and referral if your needs indicate that further therapy would be effective.

Many people find that group therapy can be effective and affordable.   You may also benefit from community support groups, seminars and self-help opportunities when you are beginning to make important life adjustments.

Consider obtaining the help of a therapist if any of these top five reasons are prominent in your life:

  1. You are in frequent distress in one or more relationships in your life (arguing or avoiding)
  2. You are having trouble eating, sleeping or concentrating because you are upset about stressors
  3. You have a family history of people with mental health concerns or addictions and you are experiencing difficulty in your own life (at work, in relationships, enjoying life, in achieving/being who you want to be, etc.)
  4. You frequently have a big emotional response to something that seems to be a smaller issue than the size of your reaction (minor incident leads to a major upset)
  5. People who know you and care about you are concerned and have encouraged you to consider talking to someone

This is not a complete list of reasons why people begin to seek help.  These are some of the most often signs that therapy could help.  Any time that the stresses in life increase and you recognize that it is very difficult to keep up with everything, it may be a good time to talk to someone you trust.  If you begin to feel anxious and/or depressed, you may benefit from professional help.

Families In Focus prepared our new website to help you get to know our team of professional therapists and to see our facility.  Knowing what to expect can make it easier to walk through the door and to make that first call to say you would like to see if we could help you.  Explore our new videos, then pick up the phone, and make your first appointment.  If Families In Focus is not convenient, we hope the information will help you find a qualified mental health professional in your community.

Margaret Cook, M.Ed., Licensed Professional Counselor 

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