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Home: Cell: Work:
Birth Date: E-Mail: Gender: MaleFemale Marital Status: MarriedDivorcedSingleSeparatedCommitted RelationshipOther Employer or School: City: If Employed: Not EmployedFull TimePart Time The patient's relationship to the owner of the insurance policy. Most often, the owner is the person who obtains the policy through employer, Medicaid, or Medicare: Self(owner)SpouseChildOther
Insurance Type: No InsuranceHealth/MedicalEmployee Assistance Program (EAP - obtained through employer) Did you contact the insurance or EAP company before the first visit, to verify that the counselor is an accepted provider, and to obtain an authorization number, if needed? YesNo Name of insurance company: (The EAP company name is most often different from the health/medical company. If insured by Medicare and you also have a supplement, please show in the Secondary Insurance section farther down the page.) If known, please fill in as much of the next section as you can:
Authorization number: Number of visits: From: To: Subscriber or member number on health/medical insurance card: Group number:
Birth Date: E-Mail: Gender: MaleFemale Employer City State If Employed: Not EmployedFull TimePart Time
PhysicianPsychiatristInsurance (or EAP) companyInternet searchStreet sign Other: ex: (Family or Friend (who?), Phone book (which one?), etc)
Name of policy holder Birth Date: E-Mail: Gender: MaleFemale Employer Insurance Company Plan Name Policy # Group #
You must check the following box to give permission for YOURSELF or YOUR DEPENDEND (under age 18) to be treated at Families in Focus.
I consent to treatment for my (self, son, daughter, etc..) beginning on (today's date)
Check here if you accept these terms.
By checking this box, I understand that I am obligated to pay whatever the insurance does not pay within the guidelines of the therapist's contract with the insurance company.
In addition, I agree to pay the co-payment for my insurance, if required, and for any additional services rendered and not paid by the insurance company in the event that I neglect to advise Families in Focus in a timely manner concerning changes to my insurance coverage.
I agree to be thoughtful making my appointments, and understand that if I do not cancel at least 24 hours before the time of an appointment that I have made, I will pay a cancellation fee of $60.00. I understand that without sufficient notice, which includes leaving a message when the office is closed, the time that has been set aside for me (or my dependent) is lost to anyone else who may have needed or wanted an appointment. Check here if you accept these terms.